Fraud Alerts

This page is provided to keep you informed about current scams. We recommend being mindful of scams that fraudsters may use to gain your personal and/or financial information.

Beware of Phishing

Phishing is a type of scam where criminals send fraudulent emails, texts, and phone calls. The communication is designed to trick you into providing them with your confidential/personal information. Always, consider the legitimacy of emails, texts, and phone calls you receive. If you suspect it is fraudulent, end the communication and call us (using the phone number on your bank statement or back of your ATM card). Do not click on links, enter information, or offer any information until you have verified with us the legitimacy of the request. If you believe you have been a victim of a bank scam, call us immediately. 

Red Flags (#BanksNeverAskThat)

Evergreen recommends you follow the American Bankers Association's guidelines if you suspect an email, text, or phone call could be a scam. For more information visit

Beware if you are asked for any red-flag item below: 

  • Sensitive account information
  • Passwords or your Social Security number
  • PIN or a login code that’s texted to you
  • Visit an unfamiliar website
  • Call a number different than the one listed on your card
  • Receive suspicious links
  • Send or receive email attachments

CURRENT: Grandparent Scams

The Oregon Department of Justice (DOJ) has reason to believe that a group of scammers is setting their sights on Oregon to perpetuate "grandparent scams." In grandparent scams, older adults are prompted to help a loved one (often a grandchild) who is in danger. The fraudster will ask you to provide cash, transfer or wire money, or give out private information. To protect yourself from this scam, remember to verify the caller's identity and confirm the story with other members of your family. Do not send cash, gift cards, or money transfers without confirmation of who will receive the funds.

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